This interview is between Nancy Regan and Rolf Bouman. It reflects in a very casual conversation what the Friends United Initiative has been doing since its very beginning. And it also talks about different First Nations artists, their personal developments, styles and techniques. Rolf Bouman talks about why he started the Friends United Initiative. It connects people from all different parties, groups and from across the world. This is a very factual, but also spiritual conversation as Nancy Regan is inquiring about many people who are part of Friends United.

Reuniting of First Nations artists

Rolf Bouman also talks about the fact that he was able to reunite many First Nations artists with the land. His land development companies Canadian Pioneer Estates Ltd. and CANEC Land Development Inc. traded, when possible, building lots for artwork. And therefore many of the First Nations artists now can perform traditional ceremonies on their properties as well as hunt and fish. Both talk in this conversation much about how through First Nations art, culture, and tradition bridges of friendship and mutual understanding can be constructed. And not only all across the North American continent, but throughout the world. The Friends United Initiative is not being funded with governmental assistance. It rather relies only on funding from Canadian Pioneer Estates Ltd. and CANEC Land Development Inc. They (the Friends United Initiative) do not participate in any politics or support any political party.

Nancy Regan is a Canadian actress, journalist, news anchor and television personality. She is most known for CTV´s Live at 5 (Halifax) which she hosted for 15 years.

In March of 2019 Rolf Bouman asked Nancy Regan to hold a series of eight interviews at the Friends United International Convention Centre in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. All interviews were conducted on behalf of the Friends United Initiative.

Nancy Regan interviewed the following people:

  • The Honorable Rodney MacDonald, former Nova Scotia premier
  • The Honorable senator Mary Coyle
  • Port Hawkesbury Rotary Club president Patrick Lamey
  • Regional Chief Morley Googoo
  • Hereditary Mi´kmaq Chief Stephen Augustine
  • Friends United founder and president of Canadian Pioneer Estates Ltd. and CANEC Land Development Inc. Rolf Bouman
  • Friends United native artist Jay Bell Redbird and Halina Stopyra
  • Friends United native artists Loretta Gould and Shianne Gould